Featured Homes
The Featured Homes display below represent a sample of the available furnished term rental homes in our network. In order for our representatives to find the Las Vegas month-to-month rental house to match your needs please contact us and provide your information, your schedule for the term rental in Las Vegas and any information you can provide that will help us narrow the selection of houses to the perfect Las Vegas Rental for you and your group.
All of Las Vegas Relocation Assistance are Fully Furnished Rental Properties and "Turn-Key" ready! Prices will vary depending on the length of the term and what is included with the rental. For specific pricing and dates please submit your request below, and we will provide you with accurate prices for your stay! Looking forward to helping with your transition here to Las Vegas! All rentals are subject to availability.

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To inquire about a home please provide us with your name / preferred dates / the best way to reach you, and a representative will contact you within 24 Hrs.
8685 W. Sahara Ave. Ste.200 Las Vegas, NV, 89117
Email Us | Tel: 818-800-2292